Go Scroll 应用

Lovely bracelets 1.0
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Learn to make jewelry, to invent new kinds of style and standout from the crowd! The more we are able to attract attention - thebetter. Nothing could be simpler and more accurately than toexpress themselves through decoration that you made yourself! Wewill teach you to work with different materials with differentlength of the bracelet, and you'll learn all about weavingbracelets, jewelry and craft! We will teach you the unique weavingtechniques and tricks! Here is a software product that will assistyou in training and will be able to carry out all your wishes inthe exciting world of jewelry! Join the club with fans weavebracelets. All you need to do - download our app and enjoy theprocess!Create a bright, unique, elegant bracelets with us!- Very simple scheme of weaving;- Use a variety of materials;- The most interesting tricks of weaving;- You will create many different ornaments;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook, WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Create bracelets Home 1.0
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Do you want to learn how to make accessories? Create ornaments,or just to stand out from the crowd? We offer a program thatincludes a circuit bracelets, as well as workshops on how to weaveBaubles. Bracelet made with their own hands, will give you a warmsummer mood and will be a nice gift for your friends. This is avery useful application for needlework enthusiasts.All that is needed - this is our application, no coaches ortrainers. We made learning very easy! You will learn weavingbracelets - and will surprise all around !We'll show how to make a bright, trendy and beautifulbracelets!- Simplicity of schemes suitable for all age categories;- You can work with all types of materials;- Training takes place quickly and easily, you will see foryourself;- You'll create many different ornaments;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook, WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Postcard to the feast 1.2
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Card for the holiday will be one highlight, which is lacking atthe moment of greeting a loved one. Like it or not we get aconstant and therefore we give the same gifts. Only in rare cases,we have a sincere impulse to perform an unusual act and how tosurprise a loved one. Perhaps the saddest thing a human invention -it is ready greeting cards. At a time when people are constantlyexchanged letters cards become something new and original. Andeverything was fine, until humanity is completely lazy. We suggestyou create a postcard, with their hands on our videolessons.Holiday Cards with your own hands!- He himself does;- Create their own ideas;- To improve and do;- Also you can share with your friends on the program, Viber,Facebook, WhatsApp, SKYPE.
Quick selection manicure 1.0
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To polish the most difficult as the warm season and winter. Sun,sand, dust, snow, rain, frost gloves ... All this adversely affectsthem. Not already thinking about summer, seasonal work andpreparations for the winter. In order to preserve the health andbeauty of nails, it is important to properly care for them. Now invogue delicate manicure - this is a real godsend for the moderngirl. Exquisite and mysterious looks like the woman is properlydecorate nails manicure. When you want to look good in any case andleave, choose the one most appropriate shade of a large palette ofnail lacquers, and make a fresh fashion manicure with the program"Quick Select manicure." And your great taste will be appreciatedby everyone around.Now, make beautiful manicure their hands.- A lot of options manicure;- The application for free;- Base of ideas is constantly increasing;- A lot of options manicure;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook, WhatsApp,Skype, Viber.
Manicure together 1.0
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Beautiful, well-groomed hands are the pride of every girl. Itshould be understood that the constant care of their hands one ofthe most important actions for compliance with a healthy lifestyle.And only in this app you will find a large number of turn-basedlessons on healthy care of your hands, without wasting time onvisits to the nail salon, we picked up the idea of ​​the mostpopular choices of good manicure. In the pictures that we havepicked up, you'll find everything to your liking original ideasmanicure. Install will be new lessons in the "manicuretogether."The main functionality of our program:- A lot of photos of manicure;- Can save the image;- Full application for all;- You can even share the app with friends on Facebook, WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber.
View hands 1.0
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Make a perfect manicure with the program "View of hands" withoutrecourse to this master - not a difficult task, and it is a realhome. When doing varnishing need to be focused and cautious,because even the slightest mistake can lead to the fact that itwill be necessary to wash off and apply again. To smooth layer oflacquer came and stayed on the nails as long as possible, the mainthing is good to prepare your nails before the manicure. Downloadand install our software and it will teach you to do the rightthing and stepUnexpected nail care tips.- Can save the image;- New ideas for a manicure;- Many different slides;- You can share the application with your friends on Facebook,WhatsApp, SKYPE, Viber.
The original way manicure 1.0
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The ability to constantly walk around the nail salon is not atall the women but the ideal beautiful manicure want to have it all.Using the tips outlined in our application, you will quickly learnhow to accurately and beautifully applied varnish! Will the masterin the care of their own hands! To emphasize the elegance to thefingertips, we have developed an excellent new ideas for the careof hands, they are effectively fighting with small flaws nail,making your original manicure.Get your creativity and raduyte others.- No need to go to a beauty salon;- Create an exotic manicure;- fast and easy;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook, WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber.
Craft said the wizard 1.0
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Let us make beauty quite easily. In our application, "Fun craftsfor all" you away; many ideas for many reasons as children'scrafts, crafts for kindergarten, paper products, various craftsfrom clay, sharp test of any natural material, beads and more. Youjust need to set our addition and the desire to create. Think howmuch good nature brings your needlework, we do not pollute ourenvironment, and improve the world around us. Here you will findphotos and step by step instructions that will help to find a sparkyour imagination. Easy step by step instructions in this categorywill help you to do crafts for friends and relatives.Check the exclusive features of our applications:- A wide range of turn-based descriptions;- Cheap, just a few steps;- All information is available without the Internet;- You can also share on Facebook app, WhatsApp, skype, Viber!
Make a craft together 1.0
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In your home there are many unnecessary? You feel sorry for himto throw, but it makes no sense to use it? Here is the solution toyour problem! This is our application - in which we have investedknowledge, step by step instructions how to revive and give asecond life to your stuff! Do not throw away anything, we willteach you how to make crafts with wood, paper, plastic, clay, clay,but of which only want to! Become a true master of needlework,because it is so easy and fun! Give gifts made by you, amaze yourfriends and family!Learn how to give a hand-made article a second life with thehelp of this app!- More than just things handmade, it is a masterpiece!- Use things that you no longer need.- Dozens of step by step instructions from the real masters!- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook, WhatsApp,skype, Viber.
Show your craft 1.0
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Be sure, in this application, you will find so many new thingsyou did not know that you can not even imagine! Start learningneedlework now! Your task is to peruse the length and breadth ofour source of information that would be able to do only what craftsyou like! This can be things of the tree, we get even to thedecoration of furniture, crafts with unnecessary things - we willtell you how to give them a second life! So do not worry, we canteach you so much. You can even make handmade gifts and surprisenot only their loved ones and yourself!The unique design with different material only with us!- Become a master of crafts with us.- Get the knowledge as to what material can make somethingright.- There are many examples and step by step instructions!- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook, WhatsApp,skype, Viber.
Craft with any materials 1.0
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In our application contains interesting and creative ideas forall events of life - a bright exterior and interior design,extraordinary simple situation decor, creative gifts, crafts forall occasions, alterations dilapidated prophetic, interestingaccessories, all sorts of cute things handmade and more. With stepby step pictures instructions can make products with their ownhands. You can also make personal masterpieces of old things,plastic bottles, and various pieces of fabric and brown beans.Reusing all sorts of old things, do not throw them. Decorate yourown hands for suburban area and a playground.Soak up the spirit of crafts quickly and easily:- Use of the Internet is not necessary;- Create inexpensive crafts just a few steps;- You can also share app with friends on Facebook, WhatsApp, skype,Viber!
Craft from the outset 1.0
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Let us make beauty simple enough. Our application - a godsendfor parents.With step by step descriptions of the photos it is possible to makeproducts with their own hands.Get ready for an interesting journey into the world of crafts. Allfans of the original crafts, as well as those who loves to dowonderful things with your own hands, you are welcome in ourapplication. We created it with sympathy and filled the best masterclasses crafts for every taste. Decorate your own hands playgroundand suburban area. After all, here we collected the best ideas forthe creation of improvised things. During operation, do not need anInternet connection. Added new craft ideas everyone can try athome.The unique capabilities have already asked to you in yourphone:- Always wanted to learn to create things with their hands;- The best and most interesting work;- Do it yourself crafts;- You can also share with your friends by adding Facebook,WhatsApp, skype, Viber.
Make a new craft 1.0
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We have collected the best examples of the craft with his ownhands! Only the most original examples of needlework and crafts.With us, you will not be bored! Learn masters of variousdecorations for your home, garden, all for everything. Learn how tomake gifts to loved ones and friends with their hands. Only in ourprogram, you gain the knowledge that you'll definitely come inhandy in life! You will become more creative, you will develop asense of taste and artistic view of the world. You can do it - onlywith our app!We will teach you how to make handmade items, they are alwaysappreciated!- Ease of schemes suitable for all age categories;- You will have the ability to do everything with theirhands;- Learning is easy and fast, you see it for yourself;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook, WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Power Air Hockey 1.0
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To all fans to play hockey, we created Power Air Hockey foranyphone platform Android. Loading an exciting board game onyourphone or tablet. You are given the opportunity to play byyourselfor with a friend. Prove it to a friend that you strongerandfaster. Think of their tactics in the battle for goalsscored.Score a goal in the gates of the enemy, and do not forgetabout hisdefense. Plunge headlong into the hockey tournaments. Thecowarddoes not play hockey!Prove his title in the tournament:- The reaction rate affects the outcome of the battle;- Fully free game;- Sets the record for goals scored!- Several colors chips and tables
Card for Valentine 1.0
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If you love someone, then for you on February 14 - Day ofLovemost desired holiday in the land. You're waiting for it for alongtime to give a surprise to your loved one. Postcard onValentine'sDay - is an essential attribute of the holiday. Why donot yousurprise your sweetheart or lover is very bright surprisemade withhis own hands? You do not know or have no idea? Noproblem, we'llteach you everything in a short time. Our Android appis createdjust for you. Congratulations on the holiday of loveeveryone wholoves and is loved!Surprise your beloved and let her friends jealous of her- Valentine Paper- Simple version of Valentine- Envelope with heart- Bulk Valentine- Valentine's card from matches- Valentine of sweets
Valentine's Day Love 1.0
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In the air breathed gentle fluids love, everything breathesapremonition of the most romantic holiday, and despite thecoldwinter, it was a little warmer, and the reason for it - Feb 14-Valentine's Day! Many Feb. 14 sent each other postcards in theformof funny hearts. Love. Eternal theme ... Mystery, divided bytwo.Happy space outside of time and life. Download a completelyfreecollection of - step by step instructions how to makeValentinecards very quickly and efficiently. This application willhelp youto prepare the best romantic postcard to celebrateValentine'sDay!All the running around the shops in search of somethingnotnormal:- Make your own hands will appreciate- Many ideas for your cards second half.- You will learn step by step to do cool Valentine- Make a stylish Valentine is now easier than ever- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Creative craft 1.0
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The great masters are not born, they become! We will teachyouall the tricks crafting! You can be the first in this case!Whetherit's bracelets, crafts for the home, toys for children,souvenirs,all kinds of sculpture, origami, everything you canimagine, andwould like to learn - is in our application! This is auniquechance to get a unique and important knowledge! Do giftsanddecorated interiors with a total program of the Councilonneedlework. You smear use the results to good diy homedecor.Download and makes it incredibly together with friendsandfamily.Interesting ideas and instructions that guide youthroughlife!- Would be the best handicraft masters of friends.- An explanation about the different types of material.- Dozens of examples step craft, only here!- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,skype, Viber.
Learn to embroider 1.0
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In the modern world it is firmly taken its place a newword"Handmaiden" which means making things with his hands.Indeed,everything that is done on their own, has more value thanmachinework, because doing needlework, we are investing in thesubjectpart of himself, his thoughts and emotions. That's whythingscreated with their own hands, have always been and remainawonderful gift option for friends and relatives, interestingandcreative interior decoration or an original element of thedecor,and with a little imagination you can always create agreatdecoration and its complement any outfit. Realizing that itisoften not always possible to cut out a lot of time to engageincrafts, we have tried to collect only the most interestingandsimple secrets of how to create your own masterpiece at home, atnoadditional cost. Crafts with their own hands - it is always agreatway to have fun and bring joy to your loved and dearpeople.Come along to embroider- Knowledge of all the details of craft;- Wonderful things with your own hands;- Gifts and home decorations;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Master crafts 1.0
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Be the disciples of our application to train the basicsofcrafting and needlework, which is used in all sectors of theworldthat you can imagine! Make a new toy for your child orforyourself, to be able tinkering needed clothes and accessoriesforthe home. Being a jack of all trades! That, now your wish hascometrue. We created it with sympathy and filled the bestmasterclasses crafts for every taste. Decorate your own handsplaygroundand suburban area. After they have collected the bestideas forcreative improvised things. During operation, do not needaconnection to the Internet. Added new ideas diy everyone can tryathome.Tens of thousands of people have already learned theusefulnessof crafting!- With us, you will become a master of all trades.- You all can do and build yourself, because it's so simple.- Will amaze your friends and relatives with their creations!- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,skype, Viber.
Create unique items 1.0
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Have you always wanted to learn what you can do with yourhands.Make a new toy for your child or for yourself, to be abletinkeringneeded clothes and accessories for the home. Being a jackof alltrades! That, now your wish has come true. With our app youcanmaster any field where necessary creative work hands! Do notworry,the more you do not have to, because we will teach you todoamazing things with your surrounding debris and junk! Do notmissthis opportunity! Be better with us!Thousands of people are already engaged intheseinstructions!- With us, you will become a master of all trades.- Save time and money, you do not need to buy something, you doityourself.- Will amaze your friends gifts made with your own hands!- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,skype, Viber.
Talent New Manicure 1.0
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Very often it turns out that without the personal design justamanicure is somehow quite easily and it seemed well-groomedhands,but you feel that something is missing. But when addingrhinestonesor painted image as a varnish made up your armcompletelytransformed, immediately improves the mood for thebetter. NewTalent manicure often make under a certain reason and soto fit thestyle and follow fashion trends, and to reflectyourmood.In our program we have collected images fromapplyingmanicure:- New ideas, unexpected nail design;- Save favorite images;- Photos with the instructions;- Also you can share applications with friends onFacebook,WhatsApp, SKYPE, Viber.
Only the unique bracelet 1.0
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Join the magical effect of making bracelets! You will be abletolearn this, that not even imagine! The best examples and ideasjustin our application! Attached are diagrams for weavingbraceletsoblique weave direct and Kumihimo and not only, as well asschemesfor various trinkets. And the rest will help ourapplication, whereyou can learn about all the bracelets from A toZ. Once you learn to weave bracelets - you will understand howitwas possible to do this before?More fun hobby you will not find than weaving bracelets!- Uniqueness just rolls;- New and unique by the best masters;- Only the best examples and diagrams;- You will create many different ornaments;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Fascinating crafts 1.0
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Creating things can become a favorite pastime for yourentirefamily. You can have fun without worries and spend your freetime.In this category we will tell you how you can quickly andeasilycreate crafts from different materials. Not have to buyanymaterials, you can create them out of everyday items.Beautifulcrafts are obtained from natural material such as leaves,pinecones, acorns, twigs, chestnuts, walnuts, and much more. Youcanalso create your own masterpieces from the old drive,plasticbottles, pieces of cloth and coffee beans. What isinteresting isthe material, the more beautiful and unusual turnhack.Everyone knows how to do something, but we learn tomakemasterpieces!- Only the original crafts;- You will be the most original gift;- You can learn a lot with us;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Bracelets of any material 1.0
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How can you not be able to weave? All Or maybe sellyourproducts? Then you have come to the right place! Bracelet - athinguseful and versatile, and most importantly - easy tomanufacture.In order to weave it, you do not have a special gift,or excesscapacity. You will need just a little free time andzhelanie.Vywill have the best accessories in the world. After all,silver orgold is not what you need! Sdes possible choice ofhundreds ofcolors, shapes, and the like! Start right now!Be a master of weaving bracelets with us!- These schemes are suitable for all, both small and great;- The materials do not matter;- Unique crafts schemes;- Give to friends and family;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Interesting knitting 1.0
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Sport has long been considered a sign of needlework ofcomfortand well-being. After all, what could be better than thegracefulthing made by the hands, which not only will be a greatpart of theinterior, but also serve a variety of purposes for manyyears. Inour time, the creation of objects with their hands isvalued mosthighly. After all, there is nothing better thanneedlework item asa gift, decor element, festive decorations orjust a decoration forthemselves. We specially picked up interestingoptions craft theirown hands, to a minimum of time and own fundscould turn out a workof art. By creating your own, you will bringharmony andtranquility into your home, make it more cozy and warmforthemselves, their loved ones.Get original today- The most fashionable ideas from which you will bedelighted;- Gifts and decorations for your home;- A lot of original ideas hendmeyda, and more;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Easy Crafts 1.0
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Modern rhythm dictates people rush mode and the pursuit oftime,which eventually causes a lot of desire to escape, to dosomethingelse. Crafts in this case, serves excellent optionsolutions,because using it there is a great opportunity not only toswitch toanother job, but also to create interesting ornaments,decorationsand interior, which in the future may be used as gifts,souvenirsor additions to favorite outfit. But in a situation wheretime isrunning out, it is difficult to allocate extra hours tocreate avariety of crafts. That is why, here you'll find a lot ofsecrets,and the various options, how to use the minimum amount oftime,money and effort might create a small work of art at home.Bycreating their own hands, we will not only present theirthoughtsand feelings into harmony, but will always be able topleaseeveryone around original gifts.Learn needlework with us- Guide to the world of crafts;- Many schemes from simple to complex;- Gifts and home decorations;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Learn how to create bracelets 1.0
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All you need to do for that would stand out from the crowd -toweave itself elegant decoration! In fact, we are all the same,andwe allocate only decoration. Learn to be like the others! You'llbeable to create unique, beautiful, bright and unpretentiouswhilebracelets and similar ornaments! We will teach you theuniquetechniques of weaving techniques and tricks! We have givenyou themost interesting and understandable instructions that you donotlearn this difficult skill. You can do this with theirchildren,family, friends. Start this unique hobby right now!Learn with us to produce various decorations!- Simplicity of schemes suitable for all age categories;- You will have the ability to do absolutely any decorations;- Training takes place quickly and easily, you will seeforyourself;- You will create many different bracelets;- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber
Champion Chess 1.0
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We often look for what would take your mind in your sparetime.Millions of Internet users say that chess - is the best way.Wesuggest you try your hand at this wonderful game. Play chess withacomputer can free anyone. We do not demand money for the game,anddo not ask to register. Install the program on your Android,alsofree of charge. If we compare the advantages and disadvantagesofchess programs we reviewed, we can conclude that the Championchessare some pluses. And even if you've never played chess, thenourguide will teach you quickly around.Spend a chess tournament and determine the champion- Pimp your skills against Android device- For the best among friends- Always wins in chess battles- Pump over assiduity and count all the moves in advance
Fans of cook 1.0
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But it is not as easy as it sounds! We need to learnthethousands of combinations of products, the correct proportionsof aparticular ingredient, to be able to make delicious recipes,inshort a lot of work, it's not easy to fry an egg or makeyourselfsome tea! Especially for you we have put together acollection ofrecipes from stepping in preparing a particular dish!You will findthere are many examples of healthy eating, cookingquality andexciting recipes. And my dream is that he was pleasedwith thefood, which I did not have to kill all the free time. Thus,simpleto prepare, but no less beautiful your meals my loving hands.Onlyafter the installation of my application will be able tofindrecipes for every day.Exciting instructions on cooking with us! You willreceive:- Best Picture cooking instructions!- Start training right from your phone.- Fun in the instructions that you will not find!- You can also share the app with friends on Facebook,WhatsApp,SKYPE, Viber